GANDHI- SINGLE PLAYER LEVEL FOR C&C Created By: SandMan ( Date: 5-17-96 Map Info: 61x61; Temperate zone; C&C level 13a recreated (basically cleared everything and started over) Player: GDI Difficulty: Hard/Entertaining; CCEDIT patch included Filename: File Contents: gandhi.pat;gandhi.ini;;savegame.001;gandhi.txt; *******************A VERY UNIQUE LEVEL!!!********************* If you like LONG bridges, you'll like this one. Level Replacement ----------------- Level 13a. Mission Description ------------------- Kane has secured the Southern Cape of India and all previous GDI attempts to defeat NOD advances have failed. Commander, you must regain civilian control of India at all costs. You will advance North from Sri Lanka. You have been supplied with an Ion-skybird as well as air support. RECON tells us NOD has set up a temple (therefore it is critical that you place your constr. sites as far apart as sensible). Prevail, and fame is yours. Fail, and look forward to peeling potatoes. Level Description (hints) ----------------- There are SAM sites everywhere. Your best bet is to take 'em out first to aid your airstrikes. Also take out the gunboats. Defend yourself for the first half of the game or so and go after NOD after they stop coming after you. YOU MUST USE THE CCEDIT PATCH I INCLUDED. If you don't, the level will be unfair (possibly unbeatable) and you won't have any fun playing it. When tiberium growth is low, give your harvesters a rest and let it grow. It seems to multiply when there's more harvest than if you ran your harvesters over new growth all the time. MAKE SURE YOU PLACE YOUR CONSTR. YARDS FAR APART (yes, you get two), unless you enjoy the challenge of not being able to build structures. Aw right, no more hints... ENJOY!!! Usage ----- Just load the savegame "-----Gandhi's Nitemare-----". It starts from the very beginning. If you want more, you're an idiot. But I do supply the two essential files: scg13ea.ini and Use mixman to load the files and ...... yadda yadda yadda. Credits ------- Andrew Griffin's CCEDIT and everyone else who has made levels. I studied them to make my own. Especially Midget's. EMAIL ME WITH COMMENTS: I truly like this level because it's unique, even though it's my first.